Sydney Brewery





Beurre Bosc pears meet Sydney Brewery Manly Perry in the indulgent Perry Tatin à la Coco. Manly Perry is used to make the pastry as well as caramelise the pears. Served chilled, it makes the perfect accompaniment to the tarte.

The recipe is a take on the classic Tarte Tatin invented by the Tatin sisters in France. Why “à la Coco”? It’s a suffix Corinne Mossati gives to special recipes that she’s adapted using her own methodology and techniques.  Coco, pronounced the French way (not as in cocoa) is her nickname.

Perry Tatin à la Coco was entered into the 2020 Sydney Brewery Beer & Cider Cooking Competition.


For the Pastry

1 cup flour

1 egg

1 tablespoon cold Sydney Brewery Manly Perry

2 tablespoon white sugar

100g butter, cold and diced

½ teaspoon of vanilla extract

For the Pears

4 large Beurre Bosc pears, peeled, cored and cut in half lengthwise

3/4 cup white sugar

100ml Sydney Brewery Manly Perry

1 cinnamon quill

2 cardamom pods, bruised

50g butter, cold and diced

24 cm ovenproof pan

1 marigold or other edible flower (optional)


  1. To prepare the pastry, combine all ingredients in a bowl and knead well until the dough holds together. Shape into a ball, cover with cling wrap and put it in the fridge for a minimum of 30 minutes.
  1. Heat the oven to 180oC or 160oC if fan forced.
  2. Sprinkle 3/4 cup white sugar over an oven proof pan, add the Manly Perry, cinnamon quill, bruised cardamom pods and bring to the boil until it’s reduced and caramelised. It will froth and bubble and you need to watch it carefully at this stage or it could burn very quickly.
  1. Once caramelised, remove the pan from the heat. Take out the cinnamon quill and cardamom pods and discard them. Add the diced butter, a few pieces at a time, stirring as you go.
  1. Add the prepared pears to the pan in a circular pattern, cut side up with the pointy end towards the centre.
  1. Take the pastry out of the fridge, roll it between two sheets of baking paper until it’s slightly larger than the pan.
  1. Carefully drape it over the pears and gently tuck the ends in.
  2. Bake in the oven for 40 to 45 minutes or until the pastry is cooked and brown.
  3. Take it out of the oven and leave it cool for 5 minutes then very carefully, pour the liquid into a ramekin making sure you don’t burn yourself.
  1. Very carefully, place a large plate over the pan and invert.
  2. Remove the pan and add the reserved juices back bringing them to a quick boil. Spoon some of the reserved juices over the pears.
  1. Serve it warm with a glass of Sydney Brewery Manly Perry and an edible flower such as a marigold from the garden (optional).

Note: You could also serve it cream or with Calvados cream but I think it stands on its own and is indulgent enough as it is.

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